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Death Of The Prodigy Dancers (Live) - The Prodigy

This is where I kill the dancer
Watch the MC - kill the dancer
Death of the Prodigy dancer
Come on
Corrupt your, to move your, to move your, come on
Let it rock, let move, let it move you, let it move you
Let it move you, let it move you
Come on out
Let it rock, let it rock
Pump it up, rock it up, don't stop, let it rock, come on
That's the real ?
Let it rock you, let it rock you
Let it move you, let it move you
Let it rock you, let it rock you
Where's the response?
Where's the response?
Death of the Prodigy dancer
Come on
Let it rock, let it roll, let it move you, let it move you
Let it rock you ...
Get ready
Goin' too slow, ridicule, ?, let it rock you, let it rock you
You'll fail, we fool round, let it rock you, let it rock you
Oh no

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